The following photos are the ample reason why a home inspection is a must!
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This is new house construction shows architecture at its finest?
Did anyone think of all the water coming down all that roof area and where it is going to end? This is a leak waiting to happen. By the way I took this photo when this house was 2 months old and for some reason they had 3 leaks.
Structural supports at their finest. Using cast iron sewer pipe to support the floor joist can cause many issues, in this case, we had a settled floor and a leaking sewer pipe.
Again we have a sewer pipe structural support except this time it is PVC. This beam support was clearly not doing anything or the PVC pipe would have been broken. It really does make a difference who you hire for a job well done.
This structural support made it to the ground, BUT was a termite invitation with flashing welcome lights. Not to mention that it was about to fall down.
This scary find was in a 37 year old house, these wires were headed to the kitchen stove. Because the wires were improperly installed, overheating occurred along with arcing and much overheating of the breaker and wires. In short this is a fire waiting for an excuse to burn down a house.
The ground connection from the power company failed. For some reason every single plugin in the house did not work correctly. But that is not the bad part, notice the black area on the siding where the ground wire touches an unpainted part of the electrical mast. That’s right it was arcing, an arc is a spark, and sparks start fires.
Notice the electrical wire that comes into the main breaker, it is melted, and corroded. This panel is a 100 amp main breaker, which is fine unless you ad an electric furnace, electric hot water tank, electric stove, plus through in a curling iron, blow dryer, and an electric heater. Again it is a fire just waiting to start. Buy this home without a good home inspector first, and you will be homeless in a hurry.

In the back far corner of this 14 year old house I noticed something hanging off of the HVAC duct work, so moved in though the area was quite tight for a better look. This little rat had a bad day, and your health might as well, when you breath his dead decaying body. Simple inexpensive fix, just replace the ductwork, but this find might have saved thousands of $$$$ in doctor bills.

Hurry up with my supper dear, just a moment I will use the turbo burners!!! Actually this gas stove was set up for natural gas and converted too propane, but whoever did the conversion failed to do their job right. Little mistake, big trouble. Those flames were actually 12-14 inches high.